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Republican Leaders: Secretary of State Shemia Fagan Must Resign

SALEM, OR – In light of recently published admissions in the Willamette Week that laid out major ethics violations against Secretary of State Shemia Fagan, House and Senate Republican Leaders are calling for her resignation.

“She must resign,said Senate Republican Leader Tim Knopp and House Republican Leader Vikki Breese-Iverson in a joint statement. “This appears to be an ethics violation and if it isn’t then Oregon’s ethics laws are broken. An elected official cannot take funds for personal use from someone they regulate.”

The Secretary of State oversees audits for the State of Oregon. In no way could the top elected official ethically work a ‘side gig’ for a company engaged in the industry in which the Secretary is responsible for auditing and regulating.

“We have been continually calling for oversight into the OLCC and this industry. And yet, another turn of government misuse is apparent today. Democracy will die in darkness if we don’t hold elected officials accountable,” said House Republican Leader Breese-Iverson.

The House and Senate Republican Caucus’ along with the Senate Independent Caucus will be holding their first Oversight and Accountability Committee meeting this Thursday, May 4th.

The Oversight and Accountability Committee was first requested over a week ago in a letter to the Presiding Officers of both the Senate and House Chambers. Sadly, these requests have gone unanswered.

“We have tried to work with our colleagues across the aisle to defend democracy in Oregon
and hold our agencies and officials accountable. Democrats have remained silent, if forced to
do so, we will move forward on our own,”
said Senate Republican Leader Knopp.


Claire Lynn, House Republican Office | Claire.Lynn@oregonlegislature.gov
Ashley Kuenzi, Senate Republican Office | Ashley.Kuenzi@oregonlegislature.gov

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